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8 pieces of practical advice for starting your Career

  1. Get a password manager and use it.
    Lastpass or 1Password, you are likely to get a LOT of usernames/passwords for different Salesforce orgs, these tools will help you.
  2. Register a Developer Edition that is your ‘home base’.
    You will register more developer editions over time, but I’ve got one I use as the basis of my ‘official’ identity on and its the place I do most of my training and self education.
  3. Get Certified
    Spend the money yourself or take advantage of any incentives your employer may offer. This will repay you both in the knowledge you gain and in the eyes of potential employers.
  4. Register for Web Assessor with your personal email address.
    You can’t change your web assessor password once you’ve registered with it, don’t be like me and be stuck with a username from 2 employers ago 🙂
  5. Get on twitter and follow, follow, follow!
    The official accounts are the starting point but there are lots of lists around with MVPs and Salesforce staff on them, following these people on Twitter will give you useful insights into what the community is doing.
  6. Save up for Dreamforce
    Book early for both accommodations and flights if you are going (And you should hope to go at least once) … and by early, think… 10–12 months early!
  7. Always be learning — Read the manual…. and experiment
    Salesforce publishes so much information so it can be overwhelming, but it is vital you know the platform. Reading the manuals and watching the videos is a start but nothing beats experimenting in your developer edition org.
  8. Go to your local user group
    And if there isn’t one, start one 🙂 I can introduce you to the right people if you need be.

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